About Apex
Apex Dental Lab of Fargo is a laboratory partner of Apex Lab Group. This multi-laboratory holding company is headquartered in Eau Clair, Wisconsin. Through our partnership with Apex, we are able to continually invest in cutting-edge technology and the most innovative materials. Apex serves as an industry leader and aids in the successful integration and operation of dental laboratories through the United States. Both Apex and Apex Dental Lab of Fargo believe in the power of local service. We want to ensure that every clinician receives personalized service, and never becomes a faceless number on an Rx form. We are able to maintain this close-knit team of technicians that provide individualized service because of Apex's support and our collaboration with fellow partner labs.
The Benefits of Choosing an Apex Laboratory Partner
- Individualized Service
- Large-Scale Resources
- Convenient Access to Products & Services from Fellow Apex Partners
- Highly Competitive Prices